Thursday 21 March 2013

Audience feed back

The last thing we did for the build up for our thriller was to get audience feed back, this was a very useful exercise as after working on our thriller for such a long time we started no to notice the mistakes or obvious problems, for example the plot of the thriller, to us it would be obvious but to an audience it might not be as clear.

most of the feed back on the plot was actually positive as they seem to understand it well. Some people said it was an apocalypse thriller which is what we aimed for. They also said that they were clear in what was behind the door which is we wanted people to think, we wanted them to all have a different idea of what was behind the door, some said; 'murder', 'alien', 'someone or thing', 'zombie invasion', 'someone has been trapped'. All these feed backs are positive as wanted them to be not clear on whats going on- like a 'cliff hanger'

The main strengths we found were to do with the title sequence and the string, 'focus pulls with the titles was effective'. They said that the placement of the titles was effective as the were in the right place, they also liked how some of the titles moved along the string or were line up on the string. Another thing that was brought up was the tension build up of the strings and cans sequence created tension as for a lot of the time they were sure what it was about because all they saw for the beginning part was string and cans and mess, they also said that the tension was caused by bot a lot of sound. The feed back on the strengths was very positive as they brought up all the parts which we spent the longest time making and creating which is a good thing.

Some people said that we could have used music rather than just using background sounds and download clip sounds, this they said would have created eere feelings. We were told that quicker editing would have also made piece a little more spooky and would build up tension


NAME: Alex Wadstein
PLOT: The world may have recently gone bad (still normal objects ie coke cans) Therefore, for some reason , a man has to sleep in a tent that is ripped so that if anyone comes he knows, could be an alien thriller?
STRENGTHS: I like the focus on the string in the beginning, it supposes normal everyday items (coke) it makes a seemingly normal object seem abnormal
IMPROVEMENTS: Shot with more slow ‘artistic’ shots with an eree background i.e shot in a big field. But good!

NAME: Charlie Feeney
PLOT: A man is hiding in a tent, threat from outside. Something tugging on a string. Goes to see what is it. Apocalypse or weird creatures?
STRENGTHS: The silence, it builds tension and makes you feel on edge. Also I like the colours, pale on dark.
IMPROVEMENTS: Some creepy music or more drone sounds

PLOT: Is about a man being hunted by something or someone and is trying to hide or get away. A murder is behind the door?
STRENGTHS: The tension building and sound
IMPROVEMENTS: Quicker editing to create more tension

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