Thursday 28 November 2013

Location tour

As a group we went for a location reeky to the location we want to shoot at. We wanted to shoot whilst driving through the woods so we would get the sun shining through the woods whilst the camera is moving.
On the way to the Peaslake woods we stopped off on the side of the road to see some other woods which we would shoot too. It was 3:00 in the afternoon which we realised was perfect lighting for when we need to shoot as the sun was just going down so it was setting on the trees shining through creating french light.
We new we couldnt use the woods on the way because it was to thin so you could see through them and we want a deep wood, and the wood also had too many fallen leafs.

This is an an image of the woods to the location, you can see that they are not deep enough for the shots that we want. They aren't spooky enough for our target audience.

This is the orginial woods (the peaslake woods) which we have wanted to shoot some of the artist at, you can see the difference of them they are more scary and deeper and have a funny era about them. We new that they would work better than the other woods because they are more scattered and thicker rather than being in straight lines and hollow.

This is a panarama of the area which we are going to set up the camera to shoot. We aim to shoot at 2/3:00 so we get the right light for the clips.

This is a quick video that we made, it is a rough copy of what the begining of video will look like and it will just to the beat. We want sudden cuts of the artist getting closer to the camera to the beat, as we think this is a very strong idea to start the video with. 

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