Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Uh huh hers is a group of girls who have similar album covers to our idea style

Our letter to the music labels for the permission to use our song

To Lizard King and Atlantic

As we don't know exactly which label she is with, we are sending this two both labels as we don't know who to contact directly

We are a group of A Level students working on an A Level project for a qualification in Media Studies. We are writing to request permission to use the following track as part of this project:
Starstruck - Santigold

With your permission the track would be used as the accompaniment to a short form video that is made purely for assessment purposes and will have no commercial usage. The video will be viewed only by members of the school community and the assessor of the examination board.

The artist and the copyright holder will of course be fully recognised in the pre-production and evaluation material that accompanies the project. We can also include a full copyright notice if required both in the planning material and on the video itself.

Yours sincerely

Alicia Swiderski, Mima Roblin and Chessie Hoare

Hurtwood House School


Tuesday, 15 October 2013

meeting with the set designer

We had a meeting with a professional set designer to propose our ideas and layouts for our sets, we had drawn out in large scale out every individual set that we would need, we put as much detail as we could in each picture so that the designer could clearly understand it and also picture it. We all felt that the meeting went really well and that he agreed with our ideas and that they were reachable, in terms of creating them. 
We now need to finish our prop list completely so that we can get everything fully organised in advanced before the shoot, as we dont want any last minute stress before it. 

Friday, 11 October 2013

evaluation of story board and animatic

The reason for a story board is that it gives a clearer and more realist picture of what the video will look like in each clip/ The story board also should consist of an area where the clip has an explanation of what is going on, the length of the clip, movement, sound and lighting. The story board is used during the shoot day to help organise the shoot and so prompt you on anything that you might have forgotten as it includes everything that you need to do. Story boarding is an essential process that they use for every advert, film etc even in the real film business.
The story board allows you to really see how your video is going to look like which is also why annotating the story board is important as you can add even the most irrelevant things in it which could give you a reminder on the day, it is almost a neat note book.

For our story board we had to re-do it about 3 times as we did lay it out well enough and we also wanted to add other movements and clips in. We wrote down every small detail that we needed to remember on the day like, close ups mid shots, or even the colour or clarity that we want in that specific shot.

We also created a digital animatic of our story board were we filmed every clip we had drawn out and written and then used final cut pro to cut the clips we wanted to the time of our song.
This was equally as useful as we could watch it and see if there was any other clips or anything that didn't fit in as it is easier watching the imagining it.
Both these part play a really big role in our music video as now we can really see if our concept works with our song and that the clip lengths and style connect together.

This is our finished animatic, you can see how the structure of our idea has come along and that the shots fit in well with the song and ideas.
Obviously there is a weakness of an animatic because they are only rough drawn pictures and therefore can be hard to understand what is going on unless you have an artist that can draw really well, we tried to split the making of the animatic up, drawing and description part, shooting part, and editing the final clip, this meant that we all new how it would end up. Although you may not understand the images it becomes clear when you read the description on the edge which means that every clip should be clear to any reader.
We only had one slight problem to our animatic which was that we did not have enough shots which lasted long enough for the length we wanted out of our video. This meant that we had to add in clips that we had already put in for other section, we realised that this can be sorted out easily as on our shoot day we can add in the shots after we had planned what else we need in.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

new casted twins

We have realised that we cannot use the twins that we hoped to use as they aren't free to do it, so we have re-casted out twins as the summer sisters who are a year apart and same height, they also look very alike which is obviously a bonus as our old casted twins had blonde and brunette hair which could have been a slight problem. They are perfect for the part of the twins as their hair colour is identical which will look even spookier for the video.

official finished story board

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


this is the sort of style that we want our dress to look like, floaty and elegant
This is the sort of dancing we want but obviously with our different shots it will look creep and weird
This shows the writing on the wall that we want

possible boy

This is our possible chosen character for the part of the boy. We decided we want a young, but also strange and creepy person to play it, and therefore Gil will work the part well.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Prop List

white dress- dirty (to symbolise the fact she is restricted) -


white long socks-
make up- pale and silvery/white make up around the eyes.

two matching frocks/dress (symbolises the fact they are unusual and not wearing modern 'normal' clothes)
X2 white long socks-
matching shoes
plaited hair with black ribbons
pale and black make up

dirty white top-
£1.78 from amazon
no shoes
white baggy boxers-
already brought
white contacts

girl- white flowy dress
boy- black wife beater and trousers

x2 chairs - wooden stools
marker pen - think sharpe pens, black
chains with a padlock to tie up twins
bugs -  stick insects
ink - normal black ink from a pen

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Storby board

As a group we story boarded our idea for the video. We had to re-do this many times as our ideas developed or changed completely. We also found that we had too many similar shots over and over again which meant that we had to come up with other ideas to put in.

Shooting our anamatic

Today we finished our story board and shot our anamatic. This consisted of us filming each picture/clip for 5 seconds each, we are then going to use the edit suit to edit it together so it fit with our song.